Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ways to stay productive

One Way I learned to be productive

Parkinson’s Law: “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
So i stumbled upon this law a couple of weeks ago and i thought that i should share what i’ve learned about it so far. 
Basically, the more you postpone that email you have to send, the more time it takes and the task seems more and more complicated (in your mind). That’s why many are surprised when they finish a task that they postponed and thought it will take ages.
Submitting an essay for example. For months on end, you’re paralyzed and incapable of doing anything, and then suddenly you become this working person who finishes everything in the last day. 
Basically you can get more stuff done in less time if you reverse the law. How to do so? Build the right circumstances.(Artificial stress if i may call them that)
  • Don’t take your charger with you if you work on your laptop/tablet/phone.
  • Pomodoro but with a productivity table. Aka. set a certain amount of tasks for each study session.
  • Create a to-do list. (if you can respect the fact that you must finish what’s on it in a certain day)
  • Make a goal to wake up early and finish everything you have by noon.
  • Go somewhere and work until they close. Libraries, cafes etc.
  • Don’t work at night. 
“The edge of impossible” - create greater goals than your current abilities. The law helps you expand your skills because you need to fill in the gap between what you can do and what you want so you adapt to the circumstances.
In short, you’ll figure out a way to achieve what you set your mind to.

A guy trying to find his place in the world


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