Sunday, December 19, 2021

New Year, Renewed Health

Jared Picot

With the New year, I'm wanting to get refocused on my fitness journey. I've realized that my health has become an after thought. I simply don't consider the impact that my weight, diet, and physical activity, or lack there of, has on my life. I have to stop making excuses for my daily poor diet decisions and failures with staying active. This needs to be a change in lifestyle. I must center health. My plans are to focus on heart health, both in diet and exercise. Workouts that focus on burning fat and building lean muscle will be at the center of my exercise routine. I plan on sharing the journey in 2022 as I tackle a new shift towards healthy eating and regular working out. I will share tips for where I had success and advice from my failures. I believe that seeing what worked for others helps with ensuring success of your own goals. Here's my plans for the first week: 

1. For activity, I plan on walking at least 10,000 steps a day and also introduce  some yoga/palates workouts. 

2. I'm also using myfitnesspal to track my calories and ensure a calorie deficit. Ill snack on heart healthy foods like nuts and vegetables such as carrots and snap peas.

Please follow my journey! 

A guy trying to find his place in the world


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